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The G20 summit – what does it mean for Brisbane?Heads of state at the 2012 G20 in Los Cabos, Mexico. Photo: BERTRAND LANGLOIS
As the G20 Summit draws nearer and the predicted 6,500 Heads of State, their entourages and media teams from all over the world get set to roll into town it marks a pretty significant new era for our city. Brisbane, being touted as ‘the new world city’, will have the international spotlight firmly secured on it come November 15 – 16 as the G20 Summit goes live to the world. Today we are taking a look at what impact the event will have on inner city residents and what it could mean for the real estate market. What does it mean for CBD residents? Reports are that the CBD is expected to be locked down and cordoned off between November 14 – 17. Citizens living within the cordoned area will likely undergo security checks and be given passes to move around the CBD/South Bank areas within a limited capacity. Non-residents will not be allowed within the cordoned off area during the event. There are also some very interesting restrictions on what one can and can not bring into the area during this time, with the usual suspects such as knives and weapon like devices forbidden and some not so expected bans such as eggs and remote control cars. Closer to the event we will do a full report on everything CBD residents will need to be aware of during the G20 Summit.
What does it mean for business? With the CBD lockdown likely, many city businesses are encouraging their staff to take leave during this time or providing work from home options. We have also recently seen an announcement that there will be an official public holiday on November 15 for the event, presumably to reduce the amount of people in the CBD that day. Simultaneously we heard the cry of joy from workers everywhere and the outrage of employers as they are requested to pay out an extra full day to their staff for the holiday – so perhaps not great news for business owners.
What does it mean for real estate? With the worlds eye on Brisbane and influential people from all over the globe descending on our city it could mean great things for local real estate. A lot has changed since there was a global focus on Queensland’s capital for Expo in 1988. For years we were seen as a sleepy country town or Sydney and Melbourne’s’ younger, duller sibling. Brisbane has done a lot to change the image of the city over the last decade and this is the chance to show that to the world. With the beauty and livability of our city on show, it is a great chance to parade Brisbane to investors all over the world through the significant media coverage the G20 will receive and also the 6,500 influential people that visit us during the event. This is particularly good news for the CBD market as this is where much of the focus will be throughout the summit. We are likely to see a peak in international investor interest during the leadup to the G20 and also in the months following the event – a great time for CBD owners to consider listing their unit for sale!
If you would like to have a chat about any of the above information or would like to arrange a free appraisal of your property please contact Hannah today on 0419 782 133. |