Queensland economy expected to strengthen by 4 per cent


From world-class infrastructures to countless employment opportunities on the horizon – seems Queensland’s economy is going from strength to strength. But do not just take our word for it, Department of State Development’s Director-General, Michael Schaumburg, agrees, recently saying that Queensland’s economy is expected to grow by 4 per cent during this current financial year alone.


To shed some more light on this topic, we draw inspiration from the latest Spring edition of the Queensland Economic Buzz (QEB) where Schaumburg opens the newsletter by proudly saying, “I am pleased to hear that Queensland’s economy has improved over the last 12 months, with growth estimated to strengthen to 4 per cent in 2016-17.


In the QEB, Schaumburg also talks about how the Department of State Development is committed to its vision – “for Queensland’s economy to be Australia’s strongest and most diverse”.


In order to achieve this vision, he believes the department has identified several emerging priority industries to develop Queensland’s competitive strengths and create knowledge-based jobs of the future.


They include:

  1.  Advanced manufacturing
  2.  Biofutures
  3.  Biomedical and life sciences
  4.  Defence
  5.  Aerospace
  6. Mining equipment, technology and services

As any astute investor or well-apt buyer knows… of course all of this is great news for local property. After all, when the economy is booming, so is the housing market. Whether it be from increased employment opportunities, thus more income and more people opting for a new investment opportunity. Enter real estate!


Plus, we all know that a growing economy fosters trust - something that property buyers love! Both owner-occupier and investor types. And, going on our experience, past activity indicates that a strong economy equals a confident property market… a confident market equals a secure buyer… and this kind of active market is good news all round! 


The latest edition of Queensland Economic Buzz also discusses news from major mining and construction projects – two industries which continue to underpin Queensland’s economy – all the while, also heavily connected to Brisbane’s property market.


Here at HSBP we are delighted to see that the Department of State Development is implementing programs and initiatives that are delivering real economic outcomes and employment opportunities across Queensland, including right here in the heart of Brisbane.


With so much development and infrastructure on the cards, Brisbane is fast becoming an investors’ paradise!


If you want to purchase property in a city that continues to grow thanks to a clear vision of becoming Australia’s strongest and most diverse state, then Brisbane is where it is at.


For professional advice from experts who know Brisbane CBD better than anyone, contact the team at HSBP on 0419 782 133. We would love to chat with you about your next purchase, sale or investment project.