The term 'hot spot' takes on a new meaning for CBD tenants

In amongst the hot urban scrawl, it is becoming more apparent that tenants are looking for green, leafy surrounds to enjoy those scorching summer days. Thus, making greener spaces the latest inner city hot spot among Australian CBDs – and because of this new insight apartments near gardens and parklands should be high on every investors’ agenda when it comes to sourcing that next lucrative CBD property.


Do not get us wrong. We are not saying that it is about one negating another; that trees and parks win over bars and cafés. No. What we are alluding to is that nowadays tenants want it all.


 They want the bustling nightlife; they want close proximity to work and the mall; they want the spacious balcony and sweeping views; they want to live close to the best restaurants… and now, they also want green trees and leafy parks as well.


This is certainly great insight for any investor and something worth taking into account when it comes to trying to work out exactly what future tenants are looking for in their CBD apartment.


With this in mind, it comes as no surprise as to why more and more investors are capitalising on Brisbane apartments. Brisbane offers everything there is to love about city living, and much more – thanks to its widespread offering of green trees and parklands. 49 per cent to be exact.


Yes, you read correctly. Brisbane has a tree canopy level of 49 per cent overall, which is second only to Hobart among Australian capital cities, with canopy coverage in the CBD at 16.3 per cent.


Within minutes of many Brisbane CBD apartments you can enjoy the beautiful green surrounds, including: walking along the boardwalk of Eagle Street Pier overlooking the river; enjoying an afternoon run along Riverwalk; rowing with the water lovers on Brisbane River or; reading a book under the beautiful, leafy trees in the Botanical Gardens.


However, many feel that implementing more greenery in Australian CBDs is about much more than a simple lifestyle choice. It’s about improving wellbeing and comfort; two issues that stem from our increasing heat waves.


University of Queensland (UQ) Professor Jurg Keller, who is Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities’ Acting Chief Executive, says increased greenery in cities is critically important for people’s wellbeing.


“Heat waves are an emerging urban health crisis, and greening our cities helps reduce the problem,” he says.


“Trees and green parks save energy, improve our comfort and foster a social and active lifestyle.”


In addition, tree infrastructure in cities also assist to cool and clean the air, while also slowing down and filtering stormwater run-off.


These are just a few of the many reasons why Australian cities need to invest in greener landscapes. That being said, one of the most important reasons is future economic growth. With more people craving greener landscapes, you do not have to be a rocket scientist to work out that those cities that implement more trees and parks will grow in numbers. 


One city already leading the pack when it comes to greener city ‘hot spots’ is Brisbane – thanks to being ranked in the top two ‘tree covered’ cities in Australia!


So, if your tenants are looking for a location with it all – where they can be reading under a tree by day and escaping for happy hour at the best nightspots by night – then you need to speak to the team at HSBP. We are the experts in Brisbane property and can point you in the right direction when it comes to the greenest hot spots (and neighbouring apartments) that Brisbane’s CBD has to offer.


Call 0419 782 133 to set up a private consultation with one of our experts.