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  • Homes our biggest priority - except for Gen Y

    Forget marriage and kids - homes are top on the priority list for Australians. An overwhelming 57% of people see owning a home as their biggest goal, according to the Westpac Home Ownership report, released this week. While travelling overseas is the mai...
  • Hotspotting or Flop-spotting?

    What dormant suburban/town jewel lies in the property backwaters waiting to be awoken like Cinderella by her Prince Charming? ... a 'hotspot' property! Finding the places that are about the boom, buying property, waiting for the boom to hit, and then sel...
  • Hannah's Tip of the Week

    Body Corporate payment period Council Rates and Water fees are billed quarterly (i.e. every 3 months), however Body Corporate payment period may be different. Body Corporate payments are usually billed 4-monthly i.e. three times a year. Check the Body C...
  • What's the difference? Joint Tenants / Tenants In Common

    It's a re-occurring question that pops up from time to time – usually then when issues arise. They may sound similar, in fact VERY similar, but there are a few important differences between 'Joint Tenants' and 'Tenants in Common' property ownership. C...
  • Hannah's Tip of the Week

    Tenants! A practical new pocket guide to renting has just been released by the state's Residential Tenancies Authority. It can be downloaded here at Pocket guide for Tenants...